1 lie, 2 truths

What is this game about?

Your colleagues are full of surprises! Did you know John has tried a meal prepared from dog meat? Or Jane won a gold medal in throwing a metal disk, when she was 16? Petr broke 7 bones when he fell from the bed. And Kamila has a side business that sells nuts for squirrels. Would you believe it? Careful! One of the statements for each person is a lie. Can you tell which one?

How It Works:

  • Each player has to write down a set of three statements, from which one is a lie.
  • We have a tutorial to stimulate the players to create fun and not-so-obvious statements.
  • Team is presented with a canvas with post-its, containing statements.
  • Each player put stickers on the post it sheets, trying to discover the lie
  • When everybody is finished the sheet with a lie turns red, so that everybody can see if he/she was correct.
  • The person, whom the statements related to, can briefly comment on the statements, to provide explanation, add fun facts or just to answer some curious questions from the colleagues. This is the essential part 
  • At the end, the people with the highest scores are presented and the prize is awarded. You are encouraged to give away real world awards.
  • Also, one of the prizes goes to the person who created a lie that was hardest to detect.