What is this game about?
In this fast-paced battle of digital wits, you'll need to manage your inbox like never before. Will you survive the endless stream of urgent messages, or will you end up buried under a mountain of unread emails like that one folder you've been meaning to organize since 2021?
Face off against your colleagues in lightning-fast rounds where everyone has just seconds to choose: send that passive-aggressive follow-up email, hide behind your calendar buffer, or frantically clear your inbox before the next wave of meeting invites floods in.
How It Works:
- Every player is an office email warrior caught in the ultimate chain of communication
- Each round lasts 5 seconds, where you must choose one action:some text
- 📨 SEND - Fire off an "URGENT: Please respond ASAP!!!" email (requires inbox space)
- 🚫 BUSY STATUS - Activate your legendary "In a Meeting" status to block incoming mail
- 🔄 CLEAR INBOX - Archive messages to make room for new sends (but leave yourself vulnerable!)
- Watch the chaos unfold as everyone's actions resolve simultaneously
- Get hit by an urgent email while vulnerable? You're CC'd out of the game!
- Last inbox standing wins the "Inbox Zero Hero" achievement